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Friday, September 24, 2010

School Lunches: Congress Set to Vote

I am running for school board to ensure our kids are eating healthy lunches.  This week, Congress will vote on a bill that can help make this goal a reality.

While Congress is wrestling with two bills on school lunch funding over the next week—and they only have a week since they must pass the bill by next Friday or the school lunch money runs out. 

The background on the two bills gets complicated, but essentially, the bills are in the House side at this point since the Senate does not have time to vote on another school lunch bill.

We know that healthy school lunches help our kids learn in class, teaches them healthy eating habits and decreases behavior problems.  Passing this bill in Congress is a no-brainer.  It’s time Congress gets smart and starts to invest more into our kids’ school lunches.  It’s the right investment, at the right time.
The Problem
Schools are scrambling to find extra money on already strained budgets.  To offset costs, some districts turn to outside vendors, such as fast food companies, to sell food to our kids. This is not a long-term solution and it is swapping out one problem for another. 
Our schools have not received an increase in the money they have to spend on each child’s lunch since I was born (1973)!  I do not blame the schools, we have to look at the way our school lunches are funded and what food is made available to our schools.
The Solution
Creating a system of locally grown food is not only healthier for our kids; it also grows our local economy. 
Finding solutions to the ongoing concerns around school lunches should involve kids, local businesses, parents and school staff.  We can start with small steps, including school vegetable gardens or obtaining better transportation equipment to deliver fresh food from the school district’s central kitchen.
Tackling school lunches is a huge challenge.  But our town does not shy away from challenges, we pull together to do what’s right for our kids—and that means healthier school lunches.
You Can Help
CALL: You can help by calling our House member Rep. Adrian Smith and urge him to pass the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids ActRep. Adrian Smith's number is 308-384-3900.
YARD SIGN: You can also request one of my campaign’s yard signs to show your support of healthy, locally grown, school lunches in Hastings!

Monday, September 6, 2010

About Jane and the Election

I am running for School Board because I believe in our kids, our teachers and our schools.  However, school lunches are not healthy for our kids and need improvement.  We need to keep bringing new voices to elected office in order to constantly revitalize our schools. I can always be reached at

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